Socialists build unity at conference

June 14, 2013
Paul Le Blanc speaking at the seminar in Sydney. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

A two-day seminar, "Organising for 21st century socialism", drew 150 people from around Australia to Sydney over June 8-9.

The seminar hosted US author and socialist activist Paul Le Blanc. Le Blanc is the author of Lenin and the Revolutionary Party and A Short History of the US Working Class, and spoke at the conference on the topic “Lessons from Lenin for 21st century socialism”. The talk prompted constructive debate about how to organise a socialist party in Australia today.

Activists from the Socialist Alternative, Solidarity and the Freedom Socialist Party attended both days of the seminar.

Workshops were held on the environment movement, feminism, the student movement, trade unions, lessons from the left-wing Greek party SYRIZA and experiences in building socialist organisations in Australia.

A feature talk was held on “Revolutionary leadership in 21st century Latin America”. Fred Fuentes, author of a new book, Latin America's Turbulent Transitions: The Future of Twenty-First Century Socialism, spoke. He explored how revolutions are unfolding in Latin America today.

The process for left unity between Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative were also discussed. Participants heard presentations from Jorge Jorquera on behalf of Socialist Alternative, and Dave Holmes on behalf of the Socialist Alliance about how unity between the two groups could be built.

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