EMERGENCY ACTION - End the Invasion of Rafah!

Actions, protests & rallies
Western Australia
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


5:30pm Friday 10 May


Forrest Place
Perth WA 6000


URGENT SNAP ACTION! Israel has launched its attack on Rafah! Perth MUST stand in solidarity with Palestinians and demand an end to the Australian state’s support for genocide.
1.4 million Palestinians are sheltered in Rafah and 600 thousand of those are children. This invasion will mean wholesale slaughter for these victims or Zionist genocide, and Western Imperialism.
We call on the Australian government to:
• impose an immediate two-way arms embargo on Israel and urge other states to do the same
• break diplomatic ties with Israel, including expelling the Israeli ambassador from Canberra and recalling Australia's ambassador in Tel Aviv
• ban entry to Australia from all Israeli government representatives and illegal settlers guilty of war crimes
• impose trade sanctions on Israel, beginning with a complete ban on the import of all products made in illegal Israeli settlements.
Anything less represents material support of genocide by the Australian government, military, and big business.

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