International solidarity

Speakers at the Nakba Day (“Catastrophe” in Arabic) protests around the country and the following weekend, congratulated the students for standing with Palestine against genocide.

kids holding a banner

Since the Labor and Liberal parties have lost hearts and minds over their support for genocidal Israel, they are now moving to culture wars, argues Pip Hinman.

Green Left News Podcast Ep 40, May 17, 2024

Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist discusses the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba (“Catastrophe” in Arabic) on May 15, larger-than-usual pro-Palestine protests were organised in many cities across Australia.

VI Encuentro Ecosocialista

The 6th International Ecosocialist Encounter (VI Encuentro Ecosocialista), drawing together representatives from more than 50 organisations in 15 countries, was held from May 10–11 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Green Left's Ben Radford attended the event.

Muhammad Khaled Abu Mahmoud, a former President of the General Union of Palestinian Engineers, Australia branch, and a survivor of the Nakba, gave this speech to the Nakba protest.

This video was made with voices from the Naarm/Melbourne free Gaza rally, on May 12, Mother's Day.

Former Geelong Trades Hall secretary and Socialist Alliance member, Tim Gooden, calls on the Australian Council of Trade Unions and secretary Sally McManus to take stronger action against Israel's genocide

Cover image of Voice of Palestine

Pro-Palestinian solidarity activists in Australia have long been spreading information about the tragedy of the Palestinian people and the legitimacy of their revolution to Australian society, writes Khaled Ghannam. One example is the Arabic language publication Sawt Falastine (Voice of Palestine), first published in 1974.

The ACTU needs to take a much stronger stand if its going to force Labor to pressure Israel to abide by international law and defend Palestinians in Gaza from genocide, argues Tim Gooden.


In 1988, the Palestine National Council, declared the existence of the State of Palestine and in 2011 it applied for admission to the United Nations. All the way, Palestine's claims have been challenged. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Thousands rally against Israel's genocide on Mother's Day

Thousands rallied around the country on the weekend of May 12, Mother's Day, in the 31st consecutive weekend of protests against Israel's genocide and Australia's complicity. Alex Bainbridge reports.