Green Left News Podcast Ep 9: ‘Ocean heat bomb’, children in prisons & Thai elections

May 31, 2023

Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist is joined by refugee rights activist Chloe as they go through the latest news from Australia and around the world. For more information on all of these stories, read our in-depth coverage.

Music and editing by LittleArcherBeats.

Green Left articles featured in this episode:


The ocean heat bomb ignites

‘Do your job’ protesters tell Tanya Plibersek, as she approves new coal mine

Protest calls for a new approach to fish farming

The fight to save logging of koala habitat in Pine Creek State Forest

Beetaloo Traditional Owners speak out on Tamboran fracking pollution

Gurindji grandmother: Don Dale violates international obligations towards children, First Nations

Sisters Inside says alternatives exist to Palaszczuk’s youth ‘crime’ crackdown

Al Nakba 75 years on remembered and protested across Australia

Video: 'They stole my land, my dreams, my childhood,' Nakba Day march told

Activists call on Minns to save public housing in Glebe

NSW health workers, teachers push Labor to cancel pay cap

Transport union slams Qantas appeal against unlawful sackings of baggage handlers

Geelong residents react angrily to proposed library, service cuts

Why Labor needs to scrap ‘mutual’ obligations and raise the rate

Thousands protest new AFL stadium, call for funds for housing and health

Sydney rallies against AUKUS, after Quad meeting rescheduled

AUKUS criticised as being a step towards war on China

Labor rushes through a bill to exempt AUKUS nuclear submarines from environmental protections

Stella Assange headlines rally to free Julian Assange

Video: ‘Ocean heat bomb’, children in prisons & Thai elections | Green Left News Podcast (May 31). Green Left Extras


Video interview: Pavin Chachavalpongpun on the 2023 Thailand general election result

Turkish presidential election goes to second round

Pakistan: Imran Khan arrested, what next?

Welcoming ceasefire, Sudanese left calls for involvement of civil society and regional institutions

Sudan: Appeal calls for ‘urgent humanitarian assistance and protection of civilians’

Racism and class struggle in France today

Te Pāti Māori: 'Your nuclear submarines are not welcome here'

‘No to expansion of US military forces on Philippines soil’

South Korea pivots to conflict

South Korea: Workers resist government’s ‘war on unions’

The US government is illegal, not migrants

United States: Biden continues cruel border policy

May Day in Havana: International solidarity to resist the US blockade

We acknowledge that this was produced on stolen Aboriginal land. We express solidarity with ongoing struggles for justice for First Nations people and pay our respects to Elders past and present.

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Green Left News podcast Ep 9, May 30, 2023
Green Left News podcast Ep 9, May 30, 2023

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