Newcastle Pride Festival attracts big crowds

November 6, 2022
Socialist Alliance at Newcastle Pride Festival. Photo: Steve O'Brien

The Newcastle Pride Fest in Gregson Park on November 5 attracted big crowds to sample food stalls, browse information and kid’s toy stalls.

Political parties and LGBTIQ organisations, including a group of 78ers, were also present.

Federal and state Labor MPs Sharon Claydon and Tim Crakenthorp were there, as were local Greens members.

The Socialist Alliance stall was very busy selling badges, T-shirts books and Green Lefts.

Drag kings and queens lit up the stage with powerful lip sync performances, playing with such classics as hits from ABBA, Kate Bush and Shania Twain.

Dykes on Bikes made a loud showing with their revved up Harley Davidsons slowly idling through the cleared paths.

The day was filled with love and genuine expression of self, with many happy to say loudly and proudly who they are.

[Newcastle Socialist Alliance is hosting a forum “Learning LGBTIQ history to support sexual & gender diversity” with Dr Kim Spurway and Kerry Bashford on November 18 at 472 Hunter Street, Newcastle.]

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