Protesters call on Tanya Plibersek to take serious action on the climate

July 19, 2022
Protesters called for serious action on the climate emergency. Photo: Jesse Holly

Thirty people protested coal and gas expansion, native forest destruction and the loss of koala habitats outside environment minister Tanya Plibersek’s Redfern office on July 19.

The action coincided with Plibersek's address on the State of the Environment at the National Press Club. The report is a five-year assessment of climate and ecological systems and aims to shape policy and action.

Extinction Rebellion (XR) Drummers supported by Lock the Gate and Sydney Knitting Nannas have been protesting outside Plibersek’s office every week for for several weeks

Meanwhile, The Bob Brown Foundation organised a snap action supported by XR Drummers outside Parliament House in Canberra calling for the protection of the takanya/Tarkine forests in Tasmania.


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