Protesters tell Santos to abandon the Narrabri gas project

July 14, 2022
Photo: Zebedee Parkes

About 50 people rallied outside Santos offices on July 14, calling on it to abandon it Narrabri Gas Project in the Pilliga State Forest in north-western New South Wales.

The Gomeroi people and local farmers oppose its plans to drill 850 coal seam gas (CSG) wells.

School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C) and University of Sydney Environment Collective supported the protest.

The main chants were “Renewables yes, Santos no! Narrabri project has got to go!” and “Stop Santos, that’s our mission! Fund green jobs and a just transition!”.

Nic Clyde, from the Lock the Gate Alliance, said: “CSG is a fossil fuel, which must be replaced by renewables across the board. There is a growing momentum across the county to ditch gas as an energy source. We need to keep up the fight to stop Santos once and for all.”

Other speakers included Anastasia Shevchuk from Legal Observers, Ethan from SS4C, Niko Slavik from Workers 4 Climate Action and James from the Sydney University Environment Collective.

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