Protestors call on Vic Labor to save Barak Beacon housing estate

June 15, 2023
Photo: Sue Bolton

Housing activists protested outside the Victorian Parliament on June 15 to demand that the demolition of the Barak Beacon public housing estate in Port Melbourne be stopped. The protest was led by long-term resident Margaret Kelly.

Demolition began in early June — even while residents still live there. “They even tore down the children’s playground,” Kelly said.

“It's important to support Barak Beacon ... We want to stop the privatisation of public housing,” one activist told Green Left.

Protesters marched to the office of housing minister Colin Brooks to tell him why public housing should be protected.

They chanted “Housing is a human right; build public housing” and held banners saying “No demolition of public housing estates during times of severe housing crisis, stop now!”, “Retain, repair, reinvest” and “Housing justice for all”.

[Protests are being organised by Save Barak Beacon outside Victorian Parliament every Thursday at 12 noon.]

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