Left On-Line

September 4, 1996

Indonesian struggle for democracy — The Suharto regime has launched a major crackdown against the democracy movement in Indonesia. Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) has launched an emergency campaign to win the release of members of the People's Democratic Party, who have been scapegoated and witch-hunted. ASIET's web page (http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet/) contains background information, letters and appeals for the campaign. Another site which deals with the democratic and national liberation struggles in Indonesia, West Papua and East Timor is maintained by the Coordination Group for the Peoples Resistance in Indonesia (http://www.xs4all.nl/~peace).

Paul Robeson Centennial — 1998 will be the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great African-American singer and socialist Paul Robeson. A web site (http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/cpsr/robeson) has been established to mark this date and to help organise events and commemorations, including the issuance of a US postage stamp.

Envirolink (http://www.envirolink.org/envirohome.html) — The EnviroLink Network (http://www.envirolink.org), a non-profit organisation, provides this news service free of charge to internet users. Several times a day major news sources (CNN, AP, Reuters) as well as smaller ones (GREENlines, EnviroAction News, etc) are filtered for stories relating to the environment. Some of the topics that EnviroLink searches for are: animal rights and welfare, education, current and pending legislation, socially responsible businesses, scientific news, non-profit organisations and government agencies.

The Dagger (http://www.kaiwan.com:80/~cortes/dagger.html) — This site has been described as a "directionless zine with a wide variety of poignant essays". One clear aim is to build solidarity with the struggle of the Zapatistas in Mexico and other struggles for social justice in Latin America.

Citizen Action (http://www.netcom.com/~jmrosen/CitizenAction.html) — Linking international trade union, women's, children's and environmental struggles. Top issues currently being acted upon: boycott Burma-Pepsi campaign and the campaign against Nike and other running shoes brands' exploitation of Third World labour.

US Department of Justice deconstructed! — On August 16 the Department of Justice's web site had been changed overnight to the "Dept. of Injustice". Text had been tampered with and images generally considered unsound were featured prominently throughout the site. A picture of George Washington was captioned with words, "Move my grave to a free country! This rolling is making me an insomniac", and a photo of the Attorney General was replaced by a picture of Adolf Hitler. The department pulled the site down almost as soon as it was discovered and began tracing the perpetrator. A mirror of the tampered site popped up in Finland, which you might find by doing a net search with the key words "madam pain".

Left On-line welcomes information on new and interesting left and progressive Web sites. Send a short description to: glw@greenleft.org.au or visit http://www.greenleft.org.au/.

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