Anti-racism fund off to great start

September 9, 1998

Anti-racism fund off to great start

By Wendy Robertson

The Resistance Anti-racism Campaign Fund has received a big "kick-start" with a $1000 donation from a Brisbane supporter. "Courage is our banner. Whenever injustice exists, we will stand united and resist! Wish I was 35 again but alas I'm 65", the supporter wrote.

Resistance launched the $500,000 fund for its campaign against racism and Pauline Hanson's One Nation party. The fund's target is the same as the amount of public funding that the racist One Nation will receive this year as a result of its success in the Queensland election.

To help Resistance's fight against racism, you can make donations to the fund at your local Resistance campaigning stall. Resistance has copies of the "Dollar against racism" petition, which supporters can encourage their friends and neighbours to sign. Resistance is also organising Rock Against Racism concerts in many states.

Donations, big or small, are appreciated (see advertisement on this page).

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