For the annual May Day march in Wollongong this year, workers and the community will march under the banner, "Put jobs before profits". Now that our PM has finally admitted Australia faces a recession, these four words sum up nicely a just response to the crisis.
Kevin Rudd clearly needs help given his first two attempts to hold off recession — the stimulus packages — clearly haven't worked. The packages did, however, deliver huge profit margins for the capitalists, especially the retail giants.
This brings us back to the May Day slogan. Kev, it's time to put jobs and people before profits.
This week Green Left Weekly activists around Australia will be helping to build the biggest possible May Day protests. We need to be out there for the Pacific Brands workers, many of who may never find work again.
We need to be out there for the childcare workers at ABC Learning, 20% of whom look set to lose their jobs.
We need to be out there for all workers (and their families) whose jobs are on the line as companies tighten their belts to safeguard their bottom line. The bigger the May Day protests, the harder it will be for employers to sack people.
Can you help us out? Perhaps you have some spare time to campaign with us and help sell GLW? Or maybe you could give a hand with wrapping subscriptions? Contact your nearest Resistance Centre (see details below) to find out how you can get involved.
Or perhaps you could help us financially? So far this year we have raised $68,466 through donations and fundraising events. That is 27% of our $250,000 Fighting Fund target.
As we descend into recession, an independent media source like GLW will be needed to support progressive struggles and defend those whose living standards come under attack.
GLW reports on workers' struggles from the workers' point of view. It also builds and helps bring different struggles together. Solidarity and unity are two of the key values we believe in. With your support we can only be more effective.
Make a donation to our Fighting Fund at: Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account No. 901992. Otherwise, send a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007 or phone it through on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia).