Thirty protests worldwide say No Harvey Norman No

October 10, 2011
Two climbers abseiled down the Sydney Opera House on October 8.
Two climbers abseiled down the Sydney Opera House on October 8 and unfurled a large banner denouncing Harvey Norman's use of native forest timber.

The Last Stand released the statement below on October 8.

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Today, over 30 actions took place around the world as part of a global 24 hours of action targeting retailer Harvey Norman for their role in helping to drive the destruction of Australia’s native forests.

Five forest campaigners were arrested after two climbers abseiled down the Sydney Opera House and unfurled a giant banner. Two campaigners were arrested at Harvey Norman’s Preston store in Melbourne after occupying the roof and displaying a large banner.

”Hundreds of people across the planet have taken action today to tell Harvey Norman that profiting from Australia’s forest destruction is absolutely unacceptable in this day and age,” said Ula Majewski, spokesperson for The Last Stand.

Images from actions are still streaming in from around the globe, but in a diversity of locations — including Ontario, Prague, Auckland and Bristol — hundreds of people took action for Australia’s native forests.

Majewski said: “From the sails of the Sydney Opera House to the forests of East Gippsland and from the World Cup stadium in Johannesberg to Harvey Norman stores in Wellington and Auckland, the global community have stood up and said No Harvey No! Stop selling Aussie forest destruction.

“Harvey Norman needs to take urgent action for our spectacular forests and stop selling furniture and flooring products sourced from native forests. There are readily available alternatives such as recycled and plantation timber’ said The Last Stand spokesperson Nicola Paris,

Spectacular high resolution images from Sydney, Melbourne and across the world can be downloaded here.

High resolution vision from Goongerah, East Gippsland, Launceston and Hobart, Tasmania and Alice Springs, Northern Territory can be downloaded here.

A full list of actions will be published on The Last Stand’s website when finalised.

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