
Year 11 student Jeremy told a climate rally outside Tanya Plibersek's office that “climate change is threatening our future”. Jim McIlroy reports.

Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin and the Torres Strait told stories of resistance against the fossil fuel industry. Coral Wynter reports.

climate protest

The Global Ecosocialist Network brought together labour and climate justice activists from Africa, Asia, the United States and Europe, in June, to discuss how to build stronger links, reports Susan Price.

Time's up Labor: climate protest outside national conference

“Protect Country and our climate” was the headline message of a protest outside the Labor Party national conference opening. Alex Bainbridge reports.

More than 30 people took action outside Empire Energy’s Annual General Meeting in Gadi/Sydney, demanding that the company stop its plans to frack the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory. Rachel Evans reports.

Climate activists outside the Banking Summit

Climate activists rallied outside the Sydney Hilton Hotel to tell a Bank Summit to leave coal and gas in the ground. Jim McIlroy reports.

Save The Burrup photo

Three climate activists have been found guilty and charged for resisting Woodside's Scarborough gas hub in the Burrup. Nova Sobieralski reports.

Activist holding sign that reads ‘No Narrabri gasfield’ at a November 12 climate rally in Sydney

Climate Coalition Sydney organised a forum that heard from four union and environmental activists fighting against the Australian government’s fossil fuel expansionism. David Killingly reports.

Pedal for People and Planet - Philippines

Cyclists joined climate activists in coordinated bicycle actions across nine countries in Asia on November 6, calling for reparations for climate debt, reports Susan Price.

The European Investment Bank president has openly declared "gas is over" — an admission that squares with what climate experts have been saying for decades, writes John Queally.

Despite overwhelming evidence that the world has already passed certain tipping points, setting off large and unpredictable changes in the climate, why are governments still refusing to act on the scale and pace required, asks Pip Hinman?

Hundreds of thousands of people joined protests around the world on September 8 calling on governments to take serious action on climate change.