Move Beyond Coal

Year 11 student Jeremy told a climate rally outside Tanya Plibersek's office that “climate change is threatening our future”. Jim McIlroy reports.

Time's up Labor: climate protest outside national conference

“Protect Country and our climate” was the headline message of a protest outside the Labor Party national conference opening. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Environment groups said the refusal by the Big Four banks to renew a $1 billion loan to Whitehaven Coal — the country’s biggest coal-only mining company — is a win for people power. Jim McIlroy reports.

Climate activists protested outside the National Australia Bank’s Corporate Tower Branch as part of Move Beyond Coal's national focus against greenwashing.  Carine Visschers reports.

Climate activists gathered outside the Newtown branch of the National Australia Bank to demand the bank stop funding Whitehaven Coal. Jim McIlroy reports.

A protest was organised by Move Beyond Coal outside Blackrock and Barclays Bank against their continued support for Adani/Bravus Carmichael coal mine in Western Queensland. Coral Wynter reports.

Anti-coal activists sang adapted Christmas carols outside the head office of National Australia Bank as part of the campaign to demand it end funding to all fossil fuel projects. Jim McIlroy reports.

Climate activists talked to customers going into the Newtown branch of the National Australia Bank about helping stop the bank funding Whitehaven Coal's expansion. Jim McIlroy reports.

Move Beyond Coal, Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends, Extinction Rebellion and others protested outside Whitehaven Coal’s annual general meeting. Rigmor Berg reports.

Outside the National Australia Bank on October 5.

Move Beyond Coal activists asked National Australia Bank tellers on George Street, Sydney, to tell their colleagues that NAB should not fund Whitehaven Coal. Coral Wynter reports.