radioactive waste

Fukushima dumping protest

TEPCO began its third discharge of treated Fukushima radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean, reports Peter Boyle.

Fuskushima protest Sydney

Katti Jisuk Seo, a young Korean-German woman, told a Sydney protest against Japan's dumping of radioactive contaminated wastewater that the danger posed to marine life and the food chain is unacceptable, reports Peter Boyle.


Green Left's Peter Boyle spoke to Denise Yoon, a key organiser of the South Korean protests against the dumping of radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean — which began on August 25.

Fukushima dumping Sth Korea

Scientists, environmentalists and fisherfolk from around the Pacific took part in a global media conference on August 10 as part of the campaign to stop Japan’s planned dumping of nuclear waste water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean, reports Peter Boyle.

The Australian Conservation Foundation welcomes the decision to listen to Traditional Owners and withdraw from a plan to establish a radioactive waste facility on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula. Dave Sweeney reports.

What happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is why the vast majority of people totally abhor nuclear weapons and want to see them decommissioned, argues Gem Romuld.