Russia's war on Ukraine

Vladyslav Starodubtsev

Speaking from Kyiv, Vladyslav Starodubtsev, addressed the Sydney launch of Ukraine Resists! Left Voices on Putin’s War, NATO and the Future of Ukraine.

A recording of the public forum "Ukraine resists! Fighting back against Russian tanks and Western banks" organised by Green Left.

Russian folk-punk outfit Arkadiy Kots Band have released a new track to mark the 65th birthday of political prisoner Boris Kagarlitsky, reports Federico Fuentes.

prisoners of war

Ukrainian state-backed project, “I Want to Live”, says it plans to start exchanging Russian prisoners of war (POWs) for anti-war political prisoners jailed in Russia, reports Federico Fuentes.

Maksym Butkevych

A Moscow court has rejected an appeal by Ukrainian human rights activist Maksym Butkevych against his 13-year jail sentence, reports Federico Fuentes.

Ukraine hydro plant destroyed

Powerful interests are still pushing Kyiv in the direction of fossil fuels and nuclear energy, writes Simon Pirani.

Free Boris Kagarlitsky

Russian anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky’s arrest is just the latest in an ongoing and escalating war against domestic dissent, writes Federico Fuentes.

Ukraine Resists

Jonathan Strauss introduces a new collection published by Resistance Books in Australia, featuring the voices of Ukrainian leftists, Russian left anti-war activists and members of the international left who defend Ukraine’s right of national self-determination.

Release Boris Kagarlitsky

Internationally renowned Marxist sociologist and anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky is currently being held in a Russian pre-trial detention centre and faces the possibility of up to 7 years’ jail if found guilty of the trumped-up charge of “justifying terrorism”. Federico Fuentes reports.

Cluster munitions

Fred Leplat, on behalf of British organisation, Anti*Capitalist Resistance, critically examines the controversial supply of cluster munitions from the United States to Ukraine.

Cluster munitions

The controversial decision by United States President Joe Biden’s administration to send cluster munitions to Ukraine has drawn widespread condemnation, report Barry Shepherd and Malik Miah.

Prigozhin Putin

The recent rebellion by the Wagner Private Military Company and its subsequent deal for amnesty has initiated a new dynamic in Russia's war on Ukraine and the opening of a crisis on Russia’s domestic front; write Israel Dutra and Federico Fuentes.