Far right

book cover, city scape

Bill Nevins revews Paul Lynch’s Booker Prize-winning novel, set in a near-future Ireland, where fascists have come to power.

map of electoral results

Pakistan’s February 8 general elections resulted in a split vote, with no party securing a clear national majority, writes Farooq Tariq, offering little hope for positive change, as the incoming government is poised to fast-track neoliberal policies, privatise state institutions and deepen class exploitation.

book cover, refugees fleeing in 1948

Lenni Brenner's edited volume, 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis is important reading today in the context of the United States-backed Israeli genocidal war in Gaza, writes Barry Sheppard.

woman at the front of a rally

Claudio Katz discusses right-wing President Javier Milei’s strategy, the emerging resistance against it and likely scenarios going forward.

woman wearing a face mask holding a sign

Green Left’s Federico Fuentes sat down with Mariana Riscali, a leader of the Socialist Left Movement tendency inside Brazil’s radical left Socialism and Freedom Party.

book cover and protest in Egypt

Maree F Roberts reviews Vincent Bevins' book If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution, which chronicles the 2010's uprisings in Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Ukraine and elsewhere, and asks why these mass protest movements failed to bring about revolutionary change.

Four Latin American presidents and former presidents

In the second part of his interview with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, Brazilian author and socialist Pedro Fuentes discusses the crisis of imperialist hegemony, the unpredictability of contemporary politics and its impacts on Latin America.

book cover with background image of protest

Federico Fuentes reviews Uprising: The October Rebellion in Ecuador, an exceptional look at the October 2019 anti-neoliberal insurrection from the perspective of one of its central leaders.

protesters holding signs

Aotearoa/New Zealand's Fair Pay Agreements Act was repealed by the newly-elected conservative National Party government on December 20, reports Clive Tillman.

mourners at a funeral, headshot of a woman

Turkey carried out a devastating string of airstrikes on North East Syria (NES) over Christmas, targeting civilian service facilities and infrastructure. The Rojava Information Center (RIC) spoke with Kurdish politician and former Syrian Democratic Council co-chair, Ilham Ahmed, about the latest attacks.

flags of Brazil, India, China, Russia, South Africa

In the first of our two-part interview, South African political economist and author Patrick Bond discusses modern-day imperial power and the role BRICS countries play in maintaining United States dominance with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

people protesting

Standing Together is a Jewish-Arab social movement in Israel, organising against racism and occupation and for equality and social justice. Its national field organiser Uri Weltmann spoke to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about its response to Israel's war on Gaza and anti-Arab racism within Israel.