
The Victorian government would have known that a weapons expo would be a focus for pro-Palestine and anti-war protesters. It went ahead anyway because, as Jacob Andrewartha argues, it is committed to militarism.

Socialist Alliance Merri-Bek councillor Sue Bolton, who is contesting a fourth term in Merri-Bek Council, told Alex Bainbridge that the Gaza war effects communities here and councils can, and must, take a stand for human rights.

Socialist Alliance Merri-bek Councillor Sue Bolton, the guest on the latest Green Left Show, talks about how local government can support human rights such as taking a stand against Israel's genocide in Palestine.

Labor Senators, including the new minister for Indigenous Australians, voted against a motion requiring the Attorney-General to provide quarterly reports on deaths in custody, coronial inquests and incidents of self-harm in prisons. Kerry Smith reports.

Better Council Inc claimed to be about local policies, but its aim was to remove Greens from local government in several inner city locations because of their support for Palestine. Wendy Bacon reports.

Opponents of Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza are calling on the Gold Coast City Council to disclose its links with entities complicit in Israel’s violations of international law. Susan Price reports.

The latest statistics show that almost all the gains made from reaching an average of 40% renewable energy in electricity generation have been cancelled out by rising greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from transport. Peter Boyle reports.

save macquarie arts

Students at Macquarie University are opposing its plan to cut hundreds of jobs and ‘streamline’ arts courses, reports Isaac Nellist

Tens of thousands of construction unionists marched in Magan-djin/Brisbane on September 17 and in Naarm/Melbourne and Gadigal Country/Sydney the next day, to demand their elected officials be reinstated and Labor’s new anti-union law be withdrawn.

Health workers who have returned from Gaza told a 150-strong public meeting and fundraiser in Boorloo/Perth about the critical shortages and dangers for patients and medical workers. They also said Labor must be held to account. Janet Parker reports.

palestine protest in Sydney

Protesters marked the 49th week of resistance to Israel’s genocide in Gaza and demanded Labor end its complicity. Isaac Nellist reports. 

Australian governments are allowing Western Australia to become a vital part of the United States war-fighting base and, therefore, an inevitable target for retaliatory strikes in a US war on China. Bevan Ramsden reports.