Coral Wynter

The Wangan and Jagalingou Nagana Yarrbayn cultural custodians held a celebration Yidaki Magarran in King George Square to mark three years of reoccupation of Waddananggu — a Wirdi word for “the talking”. Coral Wynter reports.

Climate activists describe Whitehaven as Australia’s “worst” coal company: it has plans for six new, or expanded, coal projects in the coming year, many of which have already been given their approvals. Coral Wynter reports.

scene from the play

Jim McIlroy and Coral Wynter review Asylum, a hard-hitting play about the intersection of the refugee crisis and the severe problems facing families in a period of social tension, which just finised its season at the Hellenic Theatre in Sydney's inner west.

Several hundred climate activists rallied outside Kirribilli House, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s residence, as part of environment groups’ 12-day Rise Up campaign. Coral Wynter reports.

Tens of thousands of people joined mass rallies to demand real action to combat male violence against women, over April 26–27, promoted by the killing of 27 women, so far, this year.

book cover, loaf of processed bread

Coral Wynter reviews Ultra-Processed People, by Chris van Tulleken, which looks at the industrialised chemicals and processed components that make up the ultra-processed food we buy in supermarkets.

Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin and the Torres Strait told stories of resistance against the fossil fuel industry. Coral Wynter reports.

Thousands of people joined the Bob Brown Foundation’s nation-wide “March for Forests”, aiming to ramp up pressure on Labor to stop logging scarce native forests. 

Traditional Owners outside court

Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners have filed a case against the Queensland government after it refused to suspend operations at the Adani/Bravus Carmichael coal mine, putting the Doongmabulla Springs at risk. Coral Wynter reports.

woman's face

Joviana Guterres works for justice and rights for women victims of past violations of human rights in Timor Leste. She spoke to Green Left’s Coral Wynter and Jim McIlroy during their recent visit to the capital, Dili.

Protesters urged Japanese import/export conglomerate Itochu Corporation against investing in Whitehaven Coal. Coral Wynter reports.

Members of the Korean community and supporters gathered outside the Japanese Consulate to protest the plan to release radioactive waste from the Fukushima nuclear reactor into the Pacific Ocean. Coral Wynter reports.