School Strike 4 Climate outline just 10 of many reasons why you should join students when they go on strike to save the climate on September 20.
1. Millions of people will be striking around the world with us. Beat the fear of missing out and make a plan to be there.
2. Australia’s climate pollution has never been higher than it is right now. We’re on track to be responsible for almost one-fifth of the world’s climate pollution by 2030.
3. The people who did the least to contribute to this are being hit first and worst by climate impacts. And that is deeply unfair.
4. This is only the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. So we kinda all need to step up to help address it.
5. The climate crisis is our biggest opportunity to build a fairer society and economy that works for people and the planet.
6. Adani has never been closer to building their dangerous coal mine. Gas fracking in the Northern Territory is charging ahead. And the government is clapping its hands, not rolling its sleeves up to stop this.
7. The only thing that will fix this crisis is lots of people like you and me organising in our communities and taking to the streets to push the politicians and polluters responsible for this crisis.
8. Fossil fuel companies have melted the Arctic ice by burning too many fossil fuels and dangerously heating up our planet.
9. World leaders will be meeting three days after the Climate Strike for an emergency climate summit. They need to walk into that meeting with our voices and demands ringing in their ears.
10. Because there may even be delicious ice-cream there (of the vegan, bio-degradable, ethical, all-things-good and virtuous nature of course).
So we'll be seeing you there yeah?!
[For more information visit schoolstrike4climate.com.]