200 Fridays for Julian Assange.

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


4:00pm Friday 22 September


Sydney Town Hall
483 George St
Sydney NSW 2000


For nearly 4 years now supporters of Julian Assange have gathered at Sydney Town Hall on Friday afternoons to call for justice for Julian Assange. Julian has not broken any laws and has not even been charged with any offence and yet has been detained for nearly 14 yrs now. He is now detained in UK super max Belmarsh Prison and in urgent peril of being extradited to USA as a “political prisoner”. 

This coming Friday, 22nd September 2023, marks 200 Fridays the group has been present at Sydney Town Hall. It is planned that there will be speakers and live music from 4pm to 6pm.

We are inviting all groups and organisations which promote peace and the upholding of human rights to join us please.  

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