3CR S11 CD: An experience that will reawaken your fighting spirit

March 14, 2001


Globalisation Unplugged: A compilation of 3CR's S11 coverage
Produced by Rachel Maher and Juliet Fox
$20 Available from 3CR
Ph: (03) 9419 8377
Email: <staff3cr@vicnet.net.au>
PO Box 1277,
Collingwood Vic 3066


The hairs on my arms literally stood on end from start to finish listening to this tightly produced compilation of the highlights of Melbourne community radio 3CR's coverage of the protests against the World Economic Forum (WEF) in September 2000.

The 53 minutes of sound bites and interviews builds in tension, making for great listening thanks to a dynamic sound track, which flows underneath the spoken word. Peppered throughout the tracks are grabs of chants from the blockade, and the drone of the police helicopter, which hovered over the protests for the duration is sure to invoke a variety of emotions in listeners who were there.

If you missed S11, here's your chance to have a taste of the political spirit and breadth of this mobilisation. Firstly, the breadth of the political issues raised throughout the lead up to and during the protests, and secondly the breadth and depth of participation by activists and concerned people in this significant international event, which followed in the wake of the protests at Seattle and Washington.

For those like myself who were fortunate to participate in the protests and in the collaboration between 3CR and Green Left Weekly to cover S11, listening to Globalisation Unplugged is a chance to experience once again the tension and anticipation of three days of blockading, and to feel again the outrage at the escalation of police violence in response to what was a mass peaceful blockade of the Crown Casino on Melbourne's South Bank.

The CD combines recordings from NGO conferences and seminars in the days before the blockade with highlights of the "on-the-spot" broadcasts which went live to air each day on 3CR.

This combination ensures that the content of this CD reinforces the fact that, contrary to the lies of the mainstream media and the WEF itself, protesters knew exactly why they were blockading.

S11 brought together progressive media from around the country in a collaborative effort to break through the distortions of the mainstream media outlets. 3CR, Green Left Weekly, Indymedia and SKA TV were just some of the outlets which combined forces on many occasions during S11 to ensure that the real message about corporate globalisation got through in spite of the propaganda machine of the WEF, the Victorian ALP government and the bosses' media. The CD reflects this collaboration, featuring journalists from each of these media outlets.

The next stage of the global campaign will see M1 blockades take place across the country on May 1. Globalisation Unplugged is the best pep-talk in preparation for these actions you could wish for, and is certain to reawaken a fighting spirit against corporate tyranny, and a renewed determination to continue the global struggle for a world based on human need and not the self interest of global capital.

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