40 years on, Eddie Murray's family renews call for justice

June 14, 2021
Renewed calls are being made for justice for Eddie Murray and his family. Photo: John Janson-Moore

Marking the 40th anniversary of the death in custody of the 21-year old Gamilaraay man Eddie Murray on June 12, protesters gathered at Sydney Town Hall to demand a new coronial inquest and an independent investigation.

Eddie Murray was killed by “persons unknown” while detained in the police station of the Northern NSW town of Wee Waa, an hour after being detained for public drunkenness. The police have never said who killed Murray, refusing to reply to the family if it was a police officer.

Family members of First Nations people who have died in custody addressed the rally including the family of Eddie Murray, Edward John Russell,  Lloyd Boney, Kingsley Richard Dixon, TJ Hickey and Gareth Jackson Roe.

Leetona Dungay, David Dungay’s mother, announced she had taken the death in custody of her son to the United Nations. Wiradjuri elder Jenny Munro spoke. The rally marched through the city to Martin Place.

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