700 Manly residents march against war

March 19, 2003


SYDNEY — "Peace is possible! War is not the answer!" echoed through the streets of the famous seasside suburb of Manly on March 10 as more than 700 anti-war residents joined together to show they will not support a war on the Iraqi people.

From the six-month-old child carried by her mother to the 78-year-old man who struggled with two walking sticks, the march was completed by all. Many visitors to the beach joined in.

Speakers included representatives from the Greens, the Democrats, the ALP and the churches. John Gauci from the Socialist Alliance called for more and larger rallies to be organised to stop the war by the US government. A US-born citizen and an Iraqi-born citizen thanked those who had marched

Benn Banasik, from Workers Against War, a north-shore anti-war and anti-discrimination group, called for the working class to unite worldwide against any war of any kind.

Many at the rally promised to return for a "Manly peace paddle" on March 16.

From Green Left Weekly, March 19, 2003.
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