By Margaret Allan
Inspired by the 1996 success of Green Left Weekly and its increasing influence within progressive politics, members of the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance have promised to continue their financial commitment to the paper.
Those attending the Democratic Socialist Party's 17th national conference pledged over $73,000 towards the $140,000 target of the Green Left Weekly fighting fund, launched at the conference earlier this month in Sydney.
Highlighted throughout the conference was the role of Green Left Weekly in building the fight back against Howard's slash and burn agenda, as well as its exposure of the Coalition's racist policies. This was one of the major achievements of Green Left in the latter part of 1996.
The range of Green Left Weekly's international news content was also featured, including a speech from Stephen Marks, back in Australia after several years in Nicaragua where he wrote extensively for Green Left on events in Latin America.
Hosting the launch of the GLW fighting fund 1997, Nikki Ulasowski, Wollongong Resistance organiser, said: "Green Left Weekly is a crucial part of building the progressive movements and the opposition to the neo-liberal agendas of governments and big business in Australia and overseas. By reaching this year's fighting fund target of $140,000, Green Left will be able to continue its role as the progressive newspaper of the left and the environmental movement today."
Last year's fund appeal reached its target of $120,000. In 1997, each month will have its own target, with $8000 for January, and $12,000 for other months. Each issue of Green Left Weekly will contain an update of the progress of that month's fighting fund target, as well as an acknowledgement of donations received during that week.