Last week, Green Left’s fledgling video project, Green Left TV, was forced to take down a video about protests by asylum seekers jailed on Nauru by the Australian government, because it was threatened with imminent legal action.
But we have persisted in getting out the desperate messages from these victims of a brutal and ultimately racist policy, as you can see in this week's issue and in a Green Left TV interview with a refugee from Nauru: “Nauru hunger striker calls for freedom.”
"We asylum seekers," says this one of many silenced voices of the oppressed, "have left our homeland in hope of a new start in a lawful and peaceful Australia. Right now we are here in a situation of stress. We are requesting the Australian people to help us, to take us back to Australia."
Green Left Weekly has always been and will always remain a voice for the oppressed.
The rich and powerful that rule society today have many ways to try to silence the voices of those seeking justice and change. They have the domination of the mass media, armies of lawyers and other liars, and the armed might they can wield to defend their selfish interests.
But we will always find a way to give voice to the oppressed and get the truth out, despite the many powers of the oppressors. You can help by making a donation to the Green Left fighting fund this week.
Direct deposits can also be made to Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account No. 00901992. Otherwise, you can send a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007 or donate on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia).
Our supporters have raised $158,940 so far this year, but we will need the help of all our readers to get to the end-of-year target of $250,000.