The Indigenous Social Justice Association released the statement below on May 9.
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The Indigenous Social Justice Association will hold a rally on May 12 at 2.30pm outside the Kings Cross police station.
May 12 is one of the days selected by the Aboriginal deaths in custody meeting held at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy’s 40-year commemoration in January to promote the campaign.
At the rally, we will demand:
1) NSW police be made answerable to the people by setting up a Police Citizens Review Board similar to those of the US and some European countries. The members of these Boards should be voted in by the people of NSW.
2) For an independent Investigative Unit to be formed by properly qualified professionals who have no connection to any police member, past or present.
3) Remove the Tasers from all frontline police. Hold a full and open public inquiry into their use and who should use them.
4) Review the use of Glock handguns, add requirements for in-depth training — including psychiatric assessment — for all officers. Who should be issued with such a deadly weapon?
5) Release the full facts related to the Kings Cross shooting, not just the government/police/media “facts”. We demand that NSW Police Commissioner [Andrew] Scipione open this police investigation to the full view of the Public and the six involved families.
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