Aboriginal Embassy seeks support
By Kristian Whittaker
CANBERRA — Six weeks after the January 26 occupation of the old Parliament House, the Aboriginal Embassy situated on the lawns opposite continues to gather wide support.
"We're determined to continue here till 1993, the International Year of Indigenous Peoples", said an embassy spokesperson. "We're demanding the Australian government recognise our sovereignty".
The embassy still needs concrete donations of support: everything from firewood to fax machines. "We need short- or long-term donations of tarps, tents, mattresses, furniture, filing cabinets and other office equipment".
The Embassy Band and Dance Group, which officially opened orientation week at the ANU, is available for functions, with the fee going towards maintaining the embassy. "We're especially interested in playing for environmental organisations and sharing our perspective on the problem of ongoing destruction of our environment. The environment is our land and our teacher, and the basis for our sovereignty", the spokesperson said.
Donations to the Aboriginal Embassy can be sent payable to the National Aboriginal Government, Commonwealth Bank, Account No. 291910029200. Messages of support can be sent to the Aboriginal Embassy, Parkes ACT 2600.