Accessible trams stops needed, protesters say

September 20, 2023

More than 100 people called for accessible tram stops in the Merri-Bek area on September 17. They want this done before more level crossing removal works are done on the Upfield train line, which will put trains out of action for 18 months leaving people with mobility difficulties stranded.

The protest was called by Sydney Road Accessible Tram Stops Campaign and took place during Transport Equity Week, September 17-23.

Sydney Road has just two accessible tram stops over a 5.5 kilometres stretch from Brunswick Road to the end of the tram line in North Coburg.

Sue Bolton, Socialist Alliance councillor on Merri-Bek City Council, told Green Left she is pleased the campaign is growing. “The latest is the Rail Tram and Bus Union, which is very welcome.

“We need more unions to sign up. Some union members have mobility issues and when workers retire, many have less mobility as they age.”

[Sign the petition for accessible public transport for the Upfield corridor.]

Photo: Sumitra Vignaendra
Photo: Sumitra Vignaendra
Photo: Sumitra Vignaendra
Photo: Sumitra Vignaendra
Photo: Sumitra Vignaendra
Photo: Sumitra Vignaendra
Socialist Alliance councillor Sue Bolton on the megaphone. Photo: Sumitra Vignaendra

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