ACT teachers to strike

March 8, 2006

CANBERRA — Thousands of ACT teachers are to strike this month as part of a campaign of industrial action for better pay. The ACT government offered 4000 teachers, in ACT public schools and the Canberra Institute of Technology, a pay increase of 9% over three years. The Australian Education Union's ACT branch is seeking 12% per annum, on par with NSW teachers.

Teachers will stop work on March 14 to march on the Legislative Assembly, joined by teachers from Catholic system schools. Rolling stoppages are also planned on March 28, 29 and 30. Public-sector teachers' most recent pay deal, which expired on March 1, increased their wages by 15.5-18.7% over 21 months. This outcome was the result of a hard-fought campaign over 18 months.

Nick Everett

From Green Left Weekly, March 8, 2006.
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