Action updates

May 15, 1991

ADELAIDE — The Environmental Youth Alliance's campaign against resources security legislation will include a march and rally with bookstalls, workshops and entertainment during World Environment Day activities on June 1. For information, contact Rebecca on 231 6982 or Katrina on 298 1743.

The Rainforest Action Group is planning a blockade of a shipment of rainforest timber to draw attention to amendments to the Rainforest Protection Act. By presenting amendments when parliamentarians are asleep, the government has been able to stop the amendments without actually voting against them. For more information, contact James Prest on 468 379.

As part of its campaign to support wilderness protection legislation, expected to be debated in the next session of parliament, the Wilderness Society has been speaking in schools, showing slides to community groups and staffing stalls in suburban shopping centres. Contact Mark on 231 6586.

People for Public Transport will hold a rally at noon on June 5 for World Environment Day on the steps of parliament house as part of an ongoing campaign to defend and expand rail services. The rally is being organised in conjunction with Rail 2000. Contact David Trebilcock on 344 8302.

BRISBANE — After a successful rally and march on May 11, Men Against Sexual Assault is setting its sights on a national day of action in September. MASA will meet again on Monday, May 20.

The Rally For Peace committee's next meeting on May 20 will discuss plans for this year's Hiroshima Day activities.

The Gulf Action Coalition is organising a seminar on the aftermath of the Gulf War for June 1.

Women's Abortion Campaign will support Children by Choice in their May 28 walk on parliament house to present a petition calling for increased funding and the repeal of abortion laws. This is part of an International Day of Action on Women's health.

The national conference of Australian Aid for Ireland will be held in Brisbane June 8-9.

DARWIN — About 50 May Day organisers and artists occupied the foyer of the Murdoch-controlled NT News building protesting against the paper's failure to cover local May Day events. "It's very frustrating when the only paper in town, owned by Murdoch, misplaces our ads for May Day and appears not to be interested in the lead-up events to our celebrations", said one protester.

MELBOURNE — About 40 people attended a May 7 discussion of the federal government's Newstart program for unemployed people. The Unemployed Workers' Union, CES and Skillshare workers, and the Brotherhood of St Lawrence were represented. The gathering projected a community campaign against Newstart and a rally in July. The next meeting will be at 7.30 p.m., May 21, Ross House, Flinders Lane. The first edition of Q!— Broadsheet for the Unwaged has hit the streets with information on unemployment and a rundown on Newstart. Activists have begun distribution at DSS offices. Next meeting of the Q! group will be at 8 p.m., May 16, Empress of India Hotel, corner Nicholson and Scotchmer Sts, North Fitzroy.

The Unemployed Workers' Union is involved in these initiatives and meets every Monday at 1 p.m., Perseverance Hotel, Brunswick St, Fitzroy, to discuss issues and strategies.

SYDNEY — There was a large turnout to a public meeting at the Randwick Town Hall on May 8 to protest against the threat of the closure of Prince Henry Hospital.

On May 10, the campaign against the Labor party's proposed reversal of its three-mines policy continued with a meeting at the University of Technology.

At 6.30 the same evening, the Committee to Defend Black Rights hosted a public meeting to discuss the issue of Aboriginal and Islander political representation. The meeting focussed on the final report of the Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody, and how to improve Aboriginal representation.

Bob Hawke's speech at the University of NSW on May 10 was cancelled "due to the threat of student protests". The university staff association had voted to stop work to join planned protests against education cutbacks. The speech has been rescheduled for 6 p.m. on May 24 at a location which is so far a secret.

Australian Aid for Ireland held a commemoration of the death of Bobby Sands on May 11.

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