Action updates

March 1, 1995

ADELAIDE — A committee has been set up to support the current peace process in Ireland, in the wake of the recent tour by Dodie McGuinness for Sinn Fein. Called the Australian Coalition for the Peace Process in Ireland, it aims to get motions passed in both houses of the state and federal parliaments supporting a just peace. For more information, call Ritchie Walsh on 298 1468 or Jimmy Irvine on 384 2971.

BRISBANE — Around 2500 people attended a rally against woodchipping on the February 25. Speakers included Ross Fitzgerald, Alex Mcdonald, Jenny Wagner, Leonard Lee, Tim Lowe, Dale Spender, Peter Garrett, Cheryl Kernot and Kevin Parker. The rally then marched from King George Square to Forestry House in Mary St.

DARWIN — Twenty East Timorese and their supporters attended a candlelight vigil in front of Parliament House on February 21. Bishop Ted Collins called the vigil against the euthanasia legislation proposed by the chief minister. But after the bishop's speech, members of Australians for a Free East Timor heckled him for two hours about his silence on East Timor and his lack of support for Bishop Belo in Dili.

SYDNEY — A blockade continues at the site of the M2 tollway in Sydney's north-west. The battle is over the protection of bushland, and for a saner quality of life. Police have increased surveillance recently and are expected to attempt to break up the blockade any day. The organisers of the blockade, Roadbusters, call on interested people to come and support the action, which is located just behind Macquarie University, or they can be phoned on (041) 119 1398.

WOLLONGONG — Twenty-five people attended a picket organised by the Wilderness Society on February 17 outside the state government offices to protest aimed against the state government's role in allowing woodchipping in protected areas. Those attending the picket included the Illawarra Greens, Democratic Socialist Party, the Wilderness Society, Resistance and the Wollongong University SRC. Chris Pickering, Democratic Socialist candidate for the seat of Wollongong in the state election, told Green Left, "Fighting for jobs and forests is the key issue. Today's picket is the beginning of a broader public campaign to end the exploitative practice of the unsustainable logging industry."

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