Action updates

March 27, 1996

East Timor Update

DARWIN — Around 50 people attended an East Timor Update held by Australians for a Free East Timor on March 19. The meeting was also a commemoration of activist Jason Porter, who recently died in a motorcycle accident in Indonesia.

AFFET's Robert Wesley-Smith gave a short history of campaigning in Darwin, including the two-week closure of the Indonesian consulate after continued protests sparked by the Dili massacre in 1991. Sonny Inbraj, author of Blood and Tears in ASEAN, criticised the ASEAN principle of non-interference in member nations' affairs. Alice Casmiro-Branco, co-writer of the play Wall of Testimony, spoke of the importance of maintaining the resistance through culture. CNRM representative Jose Gusmao stated that the diplomatic struggle will become more crucial and described the importance of using the internet.

Genocide forum

HOBART — A forum was held at the University of Tasmania on March 21 entitled "East Timor and West Papua: the genocide continues ...", jointly organised by the Hobart East Timor Committee and Resistance. The forum launched an East Timor Committee club to campaign on campus. Noel Miley, from the Hobart East Timor Committee, spoke of the atrocities being committed in East Timor. Kylie Moon, from Resistance, emphasised the need for all groups involved in the solidarity movement to unite to build a strong campaign.

Out and proud in Tassie

HOBART — Fifty people rallied on March 23 to celebrate gay, lesbian and bisexual pride. The event was organised by the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group as part of the three-week long Pride Festival, which began on March 9. Speakers described the discrimination lesbians face in the workplace, the importance of feeling proud and the need to create a supportive network in the gay and lesbian community. Yet to come is the Queer Film and Video Festival. For more information, phone Jason on (002) 234 308.

Fighting the Howard Offensive

BRISBANE — About 25 people attended a forum on March 20, "Fighting the Howard Offensive: Defend our Unions and Public Assets", called by the Democratic Socialist Party. Speakers included Bob Leach, editor of The Alliance Alternative in Australia: Beyond Labor and Liberal, and DSP member Andrew Watson.

Speakers addressed how 13 years of Labor's anti-worker policies have weakened solidarity. All focused on the need to reverse the declining membership of unions. The majority of the discussion focused on the disillusionment and alienation rank and file workers are feeling towards the ALP and union leaders and the need for a strong and pro-active union movement.

ANU bans

CANBERRA — The National Tertiary Education and Industry Union placed bans on lectures and tutorials between March 19 and 22 at the Australian National University as part of its campaign for a fully funded wage increase. The bans were meant to be part of a national campaign. However, at a previous NTEU stop-work on March 14, it was reported that the national week of action had been delayed three weeks to give the new Liberal government a good-faith negotiation period.

The ANU Student Association and the socialist youth group, Resistance, supported the union throughout the week and encouraged students not to attend classes. Many faculties were able to cancel classes throughout the week. More than 100 people attended a rally on March 20 to highlight the union's demands and fears of future funding cuts with consequent erosion of working conditions and quality services.

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