Action Against Racism
PERTH — After giving Pauline Hanson "the worst 24 hours" of her life, the Action Against Racism coalition has organised a speak-out against racism. Spokesperson Ana Kailis commented that PM John Howard had clearly signalled laying further grounds for racism. "Slashing migrant intake and in effect blaming migrants for the unemployment he can't solve is just the latest attack", she said.
"AAR is calling on the people of Perth to maintain a loud and public opposition to racism", Kailis said, adding that it was time to "exercise our freedom of speech", rather than put up with daily comments from Hanson. The action will be held on May 30. For details, ring Arun or Ana on 227 7367.
Students occupy La Trobe
MELBOURNE — On May 21, 40 students occupied the administration building at La Trobe University in an attempt to present a list of demands to the vice-chancellor, including: a written guarantee that up-front undergraduate fees not be introduced, no compulsory staff redundancies, a staff pay rise without conditions and no additional postgraduate fees.
The vice-chancellor was away, so an attempt was made to talk to his deputy, who agreed to speak to a delegation but refused to address the occupiers.
Green Left forum
SYDNEY — Seventy people attended the "Campaigning against Hanson, Racism and the Far Right" forum, sponsored by Green Left Weekly, at the Resistance Centre here on May 19.
Reihana Mohideen, the national convener of Asian Australians Against Further Intimidation and a national executive member of the Democratic Socialist Party, who is now accompanying Aboriginal activist Yaluritja (Clarrie Isaacs) on the Justice Tour, explained the Hanson phenomenon, including its links with the major parties and the need to fight it. The other speaker, Shane Bentley, gave more detailed information on some of the main far right groups.
In a varied discussion, many pointed to the need to fundamentally combat racism by building a radical political alternative and ending the social circumstances that give rise to racism.