Action updates

November 11, 1992

MELBOURNE — Supporters of the Austudy 5 gathered at Melbourne Magistrates Court on November 2 when the five, arrested following a student demonstration earlier this year, appeared for a brief hearing. One of the defendants later told the crowd that the prosecution had tried to exclude the evidence of TV camera people and some independent witnesses but had failed. All the defendants are members of the International Socialist Organisation, and the charges are widely seen as an attempt to limit the right to demonstrate. The committal hearing starts on November 23 at the South Melbourne Magistrates Court.

PERTH — More than 1000 gays, lesbians, bisexuals and supporters marched through Northbridge in the Queer Pride March on October 31. It was one of the loudest and proudest Pride marches in years, and was marked by overwhelming support from Northbridge's Saturday night partying crowd.

SYDNEY — A meeting on October 28 of pro-choice organisations and individuals agreed to convene the Abortion Law Repeal Coalition. Similar campaign groups exist in Canberra, Wollongong and Newcastle. The aim of the campaign is to have all laws relating to abortion repealed. For more information about the campaign, telephone (02) 690 1230.

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