Eric Wicker defended
WOLLONGONG — Supporters of Eric Wicker, the Port Kembla unionist charged with extortion, gathered outside the Wollongong courthouse on November 9 to support Wicker in his struggle for justice.
The case was postponed until next August 16. This leaves Wicker and his family in limbo until then, but members of the Eric Wicker Defence Committee will use the time to further publicise the persecution of Wicker, Stan Woodbury and maritime workers.
Boycott Nike!
MELBOURNE — On November 12, a protest, organised by the Fairwear campaign, was held at the opening of a new Nike shop here to highlight the atrocities of the company in the Third World. In Nike factories in Indonesia, workers are paid around $2.50 per day for 12-14 hours work, seven days a week.
Speak-out against Pinochet
BRISBANE — Despite rain, 40 people attended a lively speak-out in the Queen Street Mall on November 13 organised by the local Committee in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean.
The CISLAC protesters demanded that the Australian government pressure its British counterpart to extradite former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to Spain to face charges for the murder of more than 70 Spanish citizens during his reign.
Rudolfo Allemande from the Chilean community spoke about the way the mainstream media have downplayed the numbers of Chileans who lost their lives under Pinochet.
Jim McIlroy from the Democratic Socialist Party called for renewed international solidarity with the people of Chile as they fight for justice.
Manoli Umanzanor, a Guatemalan activist in CISLAC and the Guatemalan Human Rights Committee, pledged the Guatemalan community's support for the Chilean people's struggle for the dictator to be brought to trial.
Broad Left formed in NSW NUS
SYDNEY — The National Union of Students state conference will be taking place in Campbelltown on November 21. Non-Labor left students have united in a Broad Left caucus, bringing together members of Resistance and Left Alliance and independent left activists from campuses around the state.
Next year will be important in the education campaign because of the increased threat of a student voucher system and voluntary student unionism.
Other policy discussed by the Broad Left includes environmental issues such as Jabiluka and the Timbarra gold mine, international solidarity, women's rights, gay and lesbian rights and solidarity with TAFE and high school students.
An e-mail list, "LeftUnityNSW",has been set up to facilitate policy discussion amongst the NSW left.
Anyone wishing to become a member of the Broad Left or participate in the e-mail discussion can contact Keara on (02) 9690 1977 or Genevieve on (02) 9514 1155.
Native title supported
MELBOURNE — More than 100 protesters gathered at state Parliament House on November 10 to condemn a bill before parliament which will allow the sale of crown land subject to native title claims.
The rally was addressed by Laura Bell from the Mirimbiak Nations Aboriginal Corporation, Leigh Hubbard from Trades Hall Council and Sid Spindler from Defenders of Native Title.