Action updates

December 6, 2000

Action updates

Rally demands end to Israeli repression

ADELAIDE — Around 150 people rallied here on November 29 on the steps of Parliament House to demand an immediate end to the brutal Israeli repression of the Palestinian people. Speakers included Democratic Socialist Party Adelaide branch secretary Kathy Newnam, United Trades and Labour Council international committee chairperson Stephen Spence, and Adnan Abu-Ajamiah from the newly formed Australian Palestinian Society. The rally was organised by the APS, the DSP and Resistance.

Protest against cyanide leach mining

MELBOURNE — Fifty people protested outside the AGM of mining company Perseverance Exploration on November 30. The protesters were concerned at the proposed extension of two gold mines in Victoria and the purchase of the Timbarra gold mine in northern NSW by Perseverance which uses cyanide leaching processes to extract gold. The protest was organised by a coalition of groups through Friends of the Earth. Present at the protest were Turkish community activists who oppose Australian gold mining company Eurogold Normandy's use of cyanide leach mining in Turkey.

Rally to win back public space

FREMANTLE — On November 26 1000 people attended a rally organised by the Cantonment Hill Coalition to demand defence department land on top of Cantonment Hill be converted into public space. The land includes an army museum, an oval and one of the few remaining native bushlands in the Fremantle area. The Department of Defence is considering selling the land. Fremantle mayor Richard Utting said the Fremantle city council would manage the land better than the WA state government.

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