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Bougainville struggle marked
CANBERRA — An enjoyable and informative "politics in the pub" was held at the Old Canberra Inn on November 5 (Guy Fawkes Day) to commemorate the 1989 blowing up of pylons carrying power lines to the Bougainville copper mine. This led to the closure of the mine. The event was organised by the Mekamui (Bougainville) Network. For further information, contact Rosemarie Gillespie by email at <rosemarielg@netscape.net>.
Pride attracts 100,000
PERTH — Pride, the annual gay and lesbian festival, took place here on October 27, attracting 100,000 spectators. Despite the opposition of Perth mayor Peter Nattrass, Northbridge was chosen again to hold the parade. The Pride parade's focus was on celebrating the achievements of lesbians and gays. There were a variety of more political contingents, including Intervarsity Queer, a cross-campus organisation. Resistance got a lot of support during the march, particularly as a result of its banner that said: "Stop violence against lesbians and gay men".
Brian Gore addresses Jubilee 2000 meeting
SYDNEY — "Don't owe, won't pay" is the catch-cry of anti-debt activists in the Third World, reported Jubilee 2000 activist Father Brian Gore at a public meeting at the Catholic Church Hall, Pennant Hills, on November 4.
Gore, a liberation theologist priest who was on death row in the Philippine because of his opposition to the Marcos dictatorship, explained to the 50 people in attendance that Third World countries have actually paid their debts many times over, but are still struggling under the weight of debt from institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Jubilee 2000, an alliance of church groups, is campaigning for the cancellation of the debts of the Third World.
Another Jubilee 2000 meeting will be held on November 18, 1pm, at St Mary's Community Centre.