Action updates

August 26, 1992

ADELAIDE — Northern Ireland civil rights and anti-discrimination activist Oliver Kearney spoke at Flinders University on August 20 as part of a tour organised by the Australian Irish Congress. He said that the National Australia Bank owns the Northern Bank, the main bank in Northern Island, and plays a direct role in maintaining the stark inequalities that exist in the six counties. He asked Australians who support the struggle in Northern Island to take this fact into consideration.

  • 150 people rallied outside Parliament House on August 19 demanding an "End to Unemployment". The rally was organised by Resistance on the demands: job creation for social needs; no youth wage scheme; no work for the dole; jobs and people before profits. There were speakers from Resistance, the Young Christian Workers, Environmental Youth Alliance, South Australian Unemployed Groups In Action, and the Democratic Socialist Party.

BRISBANE — As part of the anti-budget national day of action, Resistance took "Keating Cam" to the Queen St Mall. Passers-by were confronted by a video camera termed "Keating Cam", and asked if they would like to say anything to Paul Keating. Public response showed that people, especially young people, were angry with proposed cuts to public spending and want action.

  • A budget night rally was organised by the Unemployed People's Union. A procession of unemployed people in chains, led by "Paul Keating" himself, handed out fake money with the slogan "This money is as real as Keating's promises" written on it. A lively rally followed in King George Square, with street theatre, song and political discussion.

  • Indonesian activist Razif completed his Brisbane tour at a reception organised by the Learning Exchange on August 23. During his tour Razif spoke to student activists at the University of Queensland and Griffith University. He addressed a meeting of Trade unionists organised by the Queensland Trades and Labour Council and a public meeting of 50 at the Resistance Centre.

  • More than 200 women marched on August 21 to protest against the risk of violence and harassment to women students on and off campuses. "Reclaim the night on your campus" was organised jointly by the women's departments at Queensland University of Technology, University of Queensland and Griffith University, and was part of activities for women during blue stocking week.

  • A forum at the Resistance Centre on August 19 discussed the budget. Speakers from Environmental Youth Alliance, Resistance and the Unemployed People's Union spoke on youth unemployment and job creation, and the need for greater funding for the environment.

MELBOURNE — Fifty students from University High School iscussion on women's oppression through sexist imagery following a talk by Michelle Hovane of Resistance on The Beauty Myth here on August 17. The talk was organised as part of a study program on Australian society, which aims to encourage political discussion and raise consciousness among students.

  • Fifty people joined a protest against Indonesia's occupation of East Timor on August 17, Indonesia's independence day. Australia/East Timor Association representative Jamie Chancellor said that the federal government cares more about Timor's oil than about its people. Other speakers were Senator Janet Powell, Jean Maclean from the ALP, David Mackay of the Democrats, Vanessa Hearman of Aksi and Abel Gutieres, a former resident of East Timor.

SYDNEY — The increase in the discount for the up-front payment of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) from 15% to 25%, which further favours the wealthy, as well as the government's tertiary loans scheme, were condemned at an August 21 picket, organised by the Cross Campus Education Network, outside ALP offices in Sussex Street. Speakers at the 200-strong picket represented tertiary, TAFE and high school students and the Academics Union. Police prevented the demands being presented to the ALP office.

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