Action updates

August 29, 2001

Action updates

Protesters target ALP 'scab'

DAPTO — A small but spirited group held a picket outside NSW Labor parliamentarian Marianne Saliba's office on August 20, in protest at her "scabbing" on the picket line at NSW Parliament House in June.

The action was initiated by the Communist Party of Australia and supported by the Illawarra Socialist Alliance.

The protest drew a vitriolic response from Saliba, who berated the protesters (including some ALP members) and claimed that she hadn't scabbed on local workers and that the WorkCover changes are fair.

Protesters are planning a further action on September 1, a sausage sizzle, again outside Saliba's office, under the banner of "Burnt offerings for injured workers". Similar activities are planned outside the electorate offices of other Labor MPs who crossed the picket line.

Israeli consulate picketed

SYDNEY — Thirty activists protested outside the Israeli consulate in Sydney on August 21 in an emergency action called by the Palestine Human Rights Campaign to condemn the Israeli state's escalation of war against the Palestinians.

Passers-by heard calls for the immediate restoration of Palestinian Authority headquarters at Orient House to Palestinian control.

Activists from Friends of Palestine spoke of the illegitimacy of the occupation and the need for immediate withdrawal of the Israeli military to end the violence.

Community to hold anti-racist actions

NEWCASTLE — Community organisations are hosting a week of action against racism from August 31 to September 7, to coincide with the United Nations World Conference on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa.

Activities will include concerts, picnics, discussion forums and workshops, a film night, play readings and performances and a walk against racism on September 1.

Many local groups, including the Queer Group, the Uni Drama Department, the Newcastle Knights, Trades Hall, South Newcastle Leagues, Wollotuka, Awabakal, Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation and Newcastle Aboriginal Support Group are involved in the events.

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