Action updates

September 18, 2002

Action updates

Protesters target Howard

CANBERRA — One hundred people protested against the federal government's pro-war and anti-refugee policies on September 11 outside the National Press Club while Prime Minister John Howard was giving a speech.

9/11 peace vigil

HOBART — Hundreds of passing cars tooted their horns in support of a "No war on Iraq" banner and a "Honk for peace" placard, as 30 people staged a vigil outside the Anglesea Barracks on September 11.

Peace protest in Civic Park

NEWCASTLE — Twenty people gathered in Civic Park on September 13 to protest against US President George Bush's proposed war on Iraq.

Among the participants were representatives from the local Muslim community, members of the Australian Association of Social Workers and Friends of Palestine.

The group agreed to hold weekly demonstrations every Friday at 5.30pm in Civic Park to help build towards a larger protest on November 3.

Hug for peace

WOLLONGONG — Five hundred people joined arms in a "hug for peace" on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Socialist Alliance candidate for the October 19 Cunningham by-election, Chris Williams, spoke against any attack on Iraq and demanded an end to Australian support for the so-called war on terror.

WA Refugee Alliance launched

PERTH — One-hundred-and-fifty people attended the launch of the Western Australian Refugee Alliance on September 8. The alliance aims to coordinate the activities of supporters of refugee-rights in WA.

The meeting was addressed by several well-known refugee-rights activists, including actor Kate Atkinson, from the ABC TV series Sea Change and former Labor MP Rick Charlesworth.

Refugee Rights Action Network member Peter Wilkie ended the meeting with a video presentation which included images of the recent bus trip to the Port Hedland detention centre. Four hundred dollars in donations was raised for the refugee-rights campaign.

September 11 discussed

ADELAIDE — On September 11, 20 people attended a Green Left Weekly forum titled "September 11: One year on". Politics lecturer and Socialist Alliance member Anthony Burke and the Democratic Socialist Party's John McGill spoke at the meeting.

From Green Left Weekly, September 18, 2002.
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