Nettle to speak against war
CANBERRA — Federal Greens senator Kerry Nettle will speak at a Socialist Alliance public forum on February 19. The topic is "How can we stop the war?". Phil Griffiths, who will speak on behalf of Socialist Alliance on the evening, is also the convenor of the Refugee Action Committee.
This forum is part of a series of Socialist Alliance public events. Others include a public forum on the bushfires and a conference called: Fight War, Fight Racism: How can we build the Socialist Alliance? For more information contact James on 0405 309 283.
Invasion Day rally
BRISBANE — On January 26, 200 people rallied in the Roma Street Forum to mark the 215th anniversary of the British colonisation of Australia.
The "Invasion Day" rally was addressed by, among others, Bill Bonner from the Jagera people; Theresa Creed, a Kalkadoon and Pitta Pitta woman; Ross Kidd, author of Black Lives, Government Lies, and Aunty Alex Gater.
One of the rally organisers, long-time Murri activist and Socialist Alliance member Sam Watson, told the West End monthly Westender Paper, that "the main theme for this year was the right to practice our Indigenous traditional cultures and for our right to express ourselves as Indigenous people".
In Canberra the Aboriginal Tent Embassy on the lawns outside Old Parliament House marked Invasion Day on January 26 with a celebration of the role the embassy has played in defending Aboriginal rights.
From Green Left Weekly, February 5, 2003.
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