Activists get nuclear campaign on the road

July 31, 2010

The launch of the Nuclear Freeways Campaign took place outside federal resources minister Martin Ferguson’s office on July 30.

The launch was a send-off for a group of activists from Friends of the Earth who will travel the likely route nuclear waste will be transported from Sydney to a proposed nuclear waste dump at Muckaty station in the Northern Territory.

One of the participants in the trip, Friends of the Earth campaigner Cat Beaton, told protesters there was a potential for “nuclear waste dumps at lots of places” if one of the trucks transporting the nuclear waste had a tyre blow-out.

Beaton said that the protesters had lined up lots of meetings with local councils along the route of the trip.

Australian Conservation Foundation anti-nuclear campaigner Dave Sweeney said: “This issue is an issue for Australia. The proposed dump is an out-of-sight, out-of-mind, no-consent dumping proposal.

“People should not have to trade country for a road or a hospital or housing.”

This is a reference to the fact that the government has persuaded some of the traditional owners to sign away their land for a nuclear waste dump, while other traditional owners are campaigning strongly against the dump.

See Engage Media video of the launch here.

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