Adelaide rally against racism
By Col Smith
ADELAIDE — As a response to the racist backlash against the High Court decision on native title, a new alliance called People Against Racism (PAR) held a rally on October 1 outside the offices of Adelaide's only daily newspaper, the Advertiser.
The purpose was to highlight the paper's pro-mining and anti-Aboriginal stance. More than 100 people attended to hear Aboriginal speakers Kingsley Ahang and John Hartley condemn the Advertiser. Hartley was also particularly scathing of the rhetoric emanating from Canberra. Pete Hemmings and Col Smith from PAR also spoke, giving a non-Aboriginal perspective, reminding the crowd that racism is and always has been a tool of oppression.
Pamphlets were distributed pointing to some of the most offensive headlines and editorial quotes. An open mike then provided the opportunity for others to express their views, many of which supported the important role of Green Left Weekly as an alternative voice.
PAR will be holding a film night on November 20 and another rally on December 11. The next organising meeting will be Tuesday, October 26, 7 p.m. at Crown and Anchor Hotel. Contact Col on 410 1197 or Alison on 231 6982 for further information.