Alternative media setbacks
The publishers of Modern Times, which ceased publication last September, have written to subscribers confirming the demise of the magazine.
First published as Australian Society, the magazine had been in existence for 10 years.
As part of the winding up of the magazine, subscribers are offered a special subscription price to Eureka Street.
Another alternative media casualty was announced in the February 13 Sydney Morning Herald, an article by Brad Norington reporting that Australian Left Review would close.
Once published by the Communist Party of Australia, ALR is owned by the Search Foundation. The magazine had moved considerably to the right politically in recent years, even publishing an interview with Liberal industrial relations spokesperson John Howard.
Norington also claimed that the newspaper Broadside "is in financial trouble and is likely to close as well". The paper, which began as a weekly last year, switched to fortnightly publication in January.
However, three days later Norington quoted Broadside editor Ian Millis as saying that the paper "had been guaranteed funding until the middle of this year and its chances of survival were 'better than 50-50'".