ANMF members (VIC) for Palestine MSF Film and Raffle Fundraiser - Where Olive Trees Weep

Arts, culture & social functions


6:15pm Monday 23 September


Thornbury Picture House
802 High Street
Thornbury 3071


Join us for the ANMF VIC for Palestine fundraiser screening of the film Where Olive Trees Weep. The film offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. 

All are welcome at the gorgeous Thornbury Picture House from 6.15pm for the film, then drinks, chats and great raffle prizes at 7.45pm.  Please bring CASH for raffle tiks! 

Ticket options are General Admission or Solidarity Ticket. There is also the option to donate if you can't attend on the night.

75% of proceeds raised will go towards Medecins Sans Frontieres' (Doctors without Borders) medical missions in Palestine. The remainder of funds will go towards ongoing organising costs for the ANMF VIC for Palestine group.

ANMF VIC for Palestine is a group of ANMF rank and file nurse, midwife and carer members organising within our union in solidarity with our Palestinian healthcare colleagues and the people of Palestine. We are committed to amplifying the voices of Palestinian healthcare workers and we advocate for a free Palestine through peaceful and non-violent activism, education, and targeted boycott, divestment and sanctions. We uphold the union principles of solidarity, justice, human rights and liberation for the people and land of Palestine.

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