CANBERRA — "The discussion we are having in Australia at the moment about uranium has nothing to do with nuclear power for energy. The whole debate is about mining, enrichment and taking back waste, about generating export dollars from the sale of uranium", Greens Senator Christine Milne told an 80-strong public forum on June 14 organised by the Canberra Region Anti-Nuclear Campaign (CRANC).
Friends of the Earth national anti-nuclear campaigner Jim Green highlighted the dangers of nuclear-weapons proliferation from Australia's uranium exports. He argued that the only way to ensure that Australian uranium does is not used in non-peaceful programs is to leave it in the ground.
Australian Conservation Foundation campaigns officer Dave Noonan spoke of how BHP Billiton, the world's biggest mining company, is looking to transform its Olympic Dam mine near Roxby Downs in South Australia into the world's largest uranium mine. Christal George from CRANC encouraged everyone to educate themselves and others, and actively oppose the nuclear industry in its entirety.
Bess Harrison
From Green Left Weekly, June 21 2006.
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