Preston anti-war protest
MELBOURNE — On April 5, 80 people gathered at the Preston Town Hall for an anti-war rally called by the Darebin Anti-War Group. After hearing from Alex Bhatal from the Greens, Reihana Mohideen from the Philippine Peace Camp, Natalie Zirngast and Allen Jennings from the Socialist Alliance, and Daryl Colless from the Uniting Church, protesters marched through the Preston market chanting anti-war slogans.
Victoria University Peace Network established
MELBOURNE — More than 150 students and staff attended a "No war on Iraq" university-community meeting, held on March 27 to coincide with the Victorian Trades Hall Council day of union action against the war.
Organised by the joint National Tertiary Education Industry Union and Australian Education Union anti-war committee and the Victoria University Student Union, the one hour meeting was to brought together students and staff who were interested in being part of a peace network across the seven Victoria University campuses.
The meeting voted unanimously to condemn the invasion of Iraq, express solidarity with the struggle of the Iraqi people, establish the VU Peace Network and call on the university council to make a public statement condemning the war. Campus "peace delegates" will act as contact points with campus, local, andcity-wide actions. Sixty-two people signed up to the VU Peace Network email list.
'People's power can stop this war'
MELBOURNE — Veteran anti-war activist and local political identity Jean McClean drew the parallels between the Vietnam War on the 1960s and '70s and the US aggression against Iraq at a Socialist Alliance public meeting in Footscray on April 2. There was a positive response to Socialist Alliance's call for the opposition parties in the Senate to block the federal government's war budget in May and force an early election.
From Green Left Weekly, April 9, 2003.
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