Arabunna Going Home camp to be re-established
By Bronwen Beechey
ADELAIDE — Anti-uranium and land rights activists will travel to Lake Eyre on March 26 to re-establish the Arabunna Going Home camp, which was forced to close by Western Mining Corporation in December.
The camp was established on March 26 to protest against WMC's Olympic Dam expansion project. Kevin Buzzacott, an Arabunna elder, presented WMC with a notice to quit Arabunna land. The eviction notice falls due on March 26. WMC has ignored the Arabunna people's demands.
WMC are drawing water from the Great Artesian Basin at Lake Eyre South to supply their uranium and copper mine at Olympic Dam. The water from the basin is sacred to the Arabunna people, who have relied on it for thousands of years.
The exploitation of the basin began in 1887 when the first bore was drilled into it. Tens of thousands of bores are now spread across the 22% of Australia's landmass above the basin. It is estimated that up to 80% of this water is wasted.
WMC began drilling for water in 1982, taking 1.3 million litres per day. Their current usage is believed to be 30 million litres per day; it is set to rise to 42 million litres in the near future.
The Mound Springs at Lake Eyre South, a vital source of water for the Arabunna and native wildlife, are slowly dying as the artesian water pressure drops. Some springs have dried up altogether.
The Arabunna Going Home camp lasted for nearly nine months. Situated near the Oodnadatta Track, the camp was visited by Arabunna people, activists and travellers from around the world.
On December 6, WMC announced that the camp was blocking access to a "test bore" which it was required by the government to monitor. The camp was closed down by WMC with the support of the local police. The bore has since been sealed with concrete.
An Arabunna support group, Keepers of Lake Eyre, is asking people to travel to the camp for its reopening. Buses and cars will leave Adelaide on March 26, returning via Olympic Dam on March 30. The trip will include the camp opening ceremony, visits to the Mound Springs and bore fields.
For details, contact Keepers of Lake Eyre on (08) 8232 8595 or 0419 812 788, or visit their web site at <>.