Aristocrats' ball inspires protests

February 19, 1992

Aristocrats' ball inspires protests

By Peter Annear

PRAGUE — "It was open season on bow ties, fur collars and diamonds at the Opera Ball on Saturday night as a vocal, orange-pitching crowd of demonstrators showed Ivana Trump and her entourage what they thought of the lifestyles of the rich and famous", read one press report.

About 1000 young people braved a cold evening and a large squad of Pinkerton security staff to protest against the holding in early February of this country's first post-Communist high society ball. Patron of the ball was Ivana Trump, a Czech-born former Olympic skier and fashion model, now a US hotel magnate.

The protesters, mainly from the Anarchist Federation and Left Alternative, believed the holding of the ball for representatives of the aristocracy, government ministers, entrepreneurs and directors was unacceptable at a time when working people are affected by the negative consequences of the economic reform. Tickets cost about the same as the average monthly wage.

The richly dressed and decorated patrons had to pass through a hail of fruit and eggs as they entered the ball from their black limousines, many under guard of six or eight Pinkerton staff, while others tried to slip in the side entrance. Several ball goers were forced to retreat by the aggressive crowd.

The local police, who are badly paid and understaffed, had given assurances that they would not interrupt the protest as long as no dangerous projectiles were launched and no laws broken.

One group of protesters penetrated the security cordon and managed to set up a symbolic soup kitchen inside the entrance.

While the law stood and watched, several clashes occurred between the protesters and Pinkerton agents, and eventually five demonstrators were arrested and handed over to the police.

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